It’s all about commitment, people – and like all serious relationships it’s a commitment you shouldn’t make lightly.
One of my favourite quotes about writing is from the author Douglas Adams; “Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a piece of blank paper until your forehead bleeds.”

There are days when it feels like that. The words just won’t come. Writer’s block can affect anyone, not just professionals.

However, having started a company blog, you need to keep it going. Decide at the outset how often you plan to post and then stick to your schedule. It doesn’t have to be ‘the first Tuesday of the month,’ or whatever you decide, without fail. But if you establish a pattern, say, of posting monthly or bi-monthly it’s best broadly to stick with that.

A sensible strategy is to plan out your blog posts 3-6 months in advance and then try to make sure that there are always four or five ‘in the can’ so you’re not writing to deadline. That doesn’t preclude writing additional topical posts prompted by developments in your field, but it does help ensure that your channel doesn’t run dry.

The trouble with writing four posts in the first month, then two in the second, one over each of the next six and then only sporadically, is that it looks as though you’ve lost interest. This is your business we’re talking about here. If you appear to be losing interest it sends out all the wrong messages about your company.

If you really can’t keep up with the demands of a blog then kill it. Just remove it from your website. Pretend it was never there in the first place. It’s all a bit like getting divorced; it makes you wonder whether you should have begun the relationship in the first place.

Blogging is a wonderful way to build beautiful relationships, but it’s good to plan for the long term and that includes the hard times as well as the good.

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